
English at Kings Rise Academy

At Kings Rise Academy, we believe that reading is at the centre of learning. We strive for children to learn to love books through daily exposure to high quality texts.

English writing topics are based on stories by well known authors and the children are given time to immerse themselves in the story and get to know the characters and story format. Children are encouraged to read a wide variety of genres, they have access to this through a well resourced and modern reading scheme which they read at home with parents and also in school with teachers. We closely monitor reading progress and through extra support it is our aim to make every child a reader by age seven.

We teach children. through guided sessions, the skills of inference, prediction , explanation, retrieval, summary and through an exposure to  range of  texts expand their vocabulary knowledge. 

As children’s reading develops at different rates, teaching is tailored to each child and their ability. Children will read daily in classroom, either in shared reading, one to one reading or guided reading groups

At Kings Rise Academy, we believe in offering children as many opportunities as possible to write and develop a flare for writing.  We aim to support children so that they become passionate and purposeful writers.  

In preparing for lessons, teachers and teaching assistants carefully choose inspiring and challenging texts for children to read and ‘magpie’ ideas from.  We encourage the use of visual aids in our lessons as a stimulus for writing. 

Writing TAF’s are used to guide planning and also to assess the children’s learning before moving on. 

SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) is a key part of our writing lessons. Children are taught the skills in SPAG lesson starters and are encouraged to use these skills in their writing across the curriculum.

We set high expectations for handwriting and presentation across our school.  Handwriting and presentation is modelled carefully by teachers and teaching assistants  and children are supported in developing their cursive joins.  Research shows that writing can be improved when children can write fluently and at speed.  

We showcase our fantastic presentation during our celebration assembly each week. 

Our Vision

Diversity - Explore the world through good books a range of authors and genres

Aspire - To be a great author - ’ Write something worth reading or do something  

                                                          worth writing about.’ 

                                                    (Benjamin Franklin)

Healthy - Relationship with books giving wellbeing and mindfulness. 

Spelling At Kings Rise

Spelling is a key part of our writing lessons. 

Children are taught word structures and spelling patterns in every English lesson starter and are encouraged to use these skills in their writing across the curriculum. We follow planning that provides games, activities and spelling practise sheets to embed spellings in a fun way. Children are no longer given spelling tests every week, they will learn four to six spelling patterns a week, which are repeated over a four week period in order to embed understanding. The common exception words for KS1 and statutory word lists for KS2 are added on a weekly basis. 

Writing At Kings Rise